In the world of opulence and influence, where success is measured not just by wealth, but by the art
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Jelena is undoubtedly the successful owner and founder of "la Boulangerie," a charming chain of thre
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She is an iconic fashion figure in the region, with a years of successful top-modeling career on th
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As she strides into the room, Marija Pasuljević exudes an air of confidence and cosmopolitan flair,
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Ivan Radojcic, a renowned fashion journalist was our special guest for the intro-People column. We
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Ana's contributions to contemporary music have made her an icon in the Serbian pop scene. With almos
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Get inspired through photos and reports about luxury hotels in Rome, Paris, Milan and Budapest
We picked for you the best serums for mature skin

Augustinus Bader, retinol serum

111 SKIN, Repair Serum NAC Y2

BARBARA STURM, Super anti-ageing serum

DIOR, age-delay lifting serum

OMOROVICZA, vitamin c serum

LA MER, Genaissance luxury agelessness serum
Deep Dive in a high-style

Marija Minic, hats and accessory designer
We met Marija at the brand new Frenchy Bistrot ( MALI PIJAC ) near the river, around the center of Belgrade. The aesthetics of Bistrot totally fit wi…

Prolećna nega
Stiglo je proleće, a mi želimo da vas podsetimo da svakodnevno brinete o vašoj koži. Uvedite male jutarnje rituale kratkom masažom lica i vrata dok n…

FRENCH CUISINE days in Belgrade’s best restaurants
We just visited one of the biggest gastronomy events that celebrate French cuisine: Goût de France, at the French embassy in Belgrade. French ambassad…

Tridesete su nove dvadesete! Biti u tridesetim je zapravo sjajno, ali ono sa čime ćete morati da se suočite jesu prvi znaci slabosti vaše kože. Ulasko…

Barbara Tatalovic, model
The new fresh face, Barbara Tatalovic, showed to us all her grace on exclusive photo shooting for intro-ducing.com When about her personal style, we i…

Tasting wines from Château Gruaud Larose
On Valentine’s day at a Radisson Collection hotel Belgrade, we had a great time experiencing fantastic French wines from Château Gruaud Larose. Le Cha…

Tijana Živanović,restaurator nameštaja- IMAGINARIUM furniture
Razgovarali smo sa Tijanom, restauratorom nameštaja, o jednoj veoma bitnoj temi: Kome je zapravo namenjen njen komadni nameštaj ? Kako kombinuje inspi…

DR COLIĆ specijalna nega
Suva koža može da se pojavi bilo gde na vašem telu, međutim, najviše štete nastaje na mestima gde je koža najnežnija i najosetljivija. To je uglavnom …

This year, we have promised you a year of unforgettable adventures, bringing you impressive destinations, exceptional services, and brands and the mos…

We bring you a piece of festive spirit from one of the most elegant hotels in Belgrade, Radisson Collection hotel. Radisson Collection hotel in Belgra…

FABLIVINGBYUNA december issue
Predstavljamo vam decembarsko, praznično izdanje FABLIVINGBYUNA koncepta. Ako ste u potrazi za unikatnim poklonom za porodicu i prijatelje tokom novog…

Duška Jovanić, novinar i pisac
U prostranom apartmanu jednog od najeminentijih hotela u Beogradu, Hyatt Regency, ugostili smo divu novinarstva, večitu sanjarku i srpsku Jane Birkin,…

Dr Snežana Miletić o novim metodama nege lica
Sa doktorkom Nenom, specijalistom estetske, plastične i rekonstruktivne hirurgije, razgovarali smo na temu najbolje zimske nege i aktuelnih i najtraže…

Pričamo o maskama za lice, kao dodatnoj nezi u hladnim danima Milena je profesionalni šminker, veoma aktivna na društvenim mrežama i veoma tražena u s…

Una Nikolić, vlasnica i osnivač art-fashion koncept prostora FABLIVINGBYUNA
Posetili smo Unu, vlasnicu i osnivača najvećeg umetničko- modnog konceptualnog prodajnog prostora u Beogradu sa preko 80 izlagača - FAB LIVING BY UNA.…

U kuhinji restorana KALEMEGDANSKA TERASA
Čari kuhinje KALEMEGDANSKA TERASA podelićemo sa vama kroz fotografije ekskluzivno rađene u njihovoj u kuhinji, tokom nastajanja omiljenih specijalitet…

Vaša dnevna rutina nege lica
Podsetićemo vas kako treba da izgleda vaša svakodnevna rutina nege lica, dva puta dnevno, kako bi ste zadržali mladolik, zdrav i svež izgled kože. Usl…

AHMET EROGLU, direktor modnog brenda KOTON-TURSKA za balkanske zemlje
Velike modne industrije omogućavaju nam dostupnost mnogo različitih trendova tokom jedne sezone, kao i neograničene mogućnosti spajanja različitih sti…

JERRY restoran
U sklopu specijala " NAJBOLJI RESTORANI" predstavljamo vam JERRY restoran, koji svojim vrhunskim kvalitetom hrane i vinske karte, kao i usluge zaposle…

Augustinus Bader

W Hotel Budapest
W Hotels around the world have a unique, recognizable aesthetic, both in their interiors and exteriors, characterized by a modern urban style that ref…
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