Jelena Ivanovic, Iconic top model & model agency director

She is an iconic fashion figure in the region, with a years of successful  top-modeling career on the international stage before transitioning to the role of founder and director at one of the most successful fashion agencies in the region. Jelena Ivanovic about her personal style exclusively on INTRO-DUCING.COM on Intro-People column.
– When did you first realize that the clothes you wear are a part of your identity, and when did you first feel the need to express yourself through clothes?
As a young girl, I enjoyed dressing up and having a nice wardrobe, and I always felt the attention of my parents in doing so. My mom taught me how to match the color of my socks with the rest of my outfit, and I still do this today. Looking at pictures from my childhood and school days, it’s clear that I have always loved expressing myself through fashion. Little did I know that it would also become my calling.


– How did you break into the world of 90s fashion, and how did that phase influence your style at the time?
The 90s were a special time for me. Despite the tension caused by the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia, the embargo, and the bombing of Serbia, I traveled extensively and explored the world’s fashion capitals. I wore haute couture from luxurious Parisian fashion houses while back at home, my friends were dealing with empty supermarkets. It was a period of transition and significant change in the fashion industry. The concept of beauty was evolving, and character became more important than physical appearance. I entered the modeling industry as a natural blonde with long hair, but my agents in Milan suggested that I lose weight, cut my hair short, and dye it dark. I followed their advice professionally, which led to great success in the fashion scene at that time. Despite not being entirely pleased with my boyish look, I understood that modeling is a profession with an expiry date, and I had my whole life ahead of me to explore different styles. I had the honor of working with renowned fashion designers such as Jean Paul Gaultier, Yves Saint Laurent, Yohji Yamamoto, Rei Kawakubo, and Issey Miyake. I personally requested to participate in the process of creating collections in their studios and campaign recordings. It was an invaluable experience of creative freedom and art appreciation unlike today, when emphasis is often put on likes and commercial success. During that time, clothing pieces didn’t prominently display logos, but each outfit told a unique story, similar to a movie being unraveled during a fashion show or photo shoot. Art was truly appreciated in those times.


– As the director of a successful fashion agency, do the job and its dynamics influence your choice of clothing?
I always strive to be mindful of my models’ well-being, as well as my own. It’s important for me to consider what is suitable for my physical condition, age, family role, and societal position. Each stage of life presents new opportunities for me to express myself through fashion, which I thoroughly enjoy. While I have been recognized as a stylish woman, I believe it’s not just about wearing designer pieces but also about displaying creativity in a balanced manner. I see myself as a mentor and role model for aspiring young models, guiding them on how to navigate the fashion world. A big part of my guidance involves how they present themselves, their styling, and their training. I firmly believe that the wrong wardrobe choices can negatively influence the impression casting directors have about a model.


– Is there a specific statement or piece of clothing from your younger days that still influences your style now? For example, red lipstick, jeans, or a white shirt.
My style is characterized by playfulness and unconventional combinations of clothing. I often mix items from my past with current pieces. I don’t follow trends; instead, I rely on my inner self to guide my clothing choices based on mood. To me, fashion is like a game that should entertain us, lift our spirits, and bring out everyone’s unique qualities. Fashion is essentially packaging, and when something is beautifully and meaningfully packaged, it appears more sophisticated, convincing, and valuable. The price of the packaging is irrelevant to those who know how to dress well and have the confidence to trust themselves over fashion trends.


What is your favorite item of clothing in your closet?
My closet is already full of wonderful pieces that I bought from all over the world. Each item, at the sight or touch of the material, brings back memories of those places and invokes certain emotions within me. It is no longer about how I want others to see me today, but rather about which piece of clothing will evoke the right emotions and energy state for me to act from. What is it that I need to conquer today and its challenges? I feel good about myself.
Tell us your definition of style
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