Editor’s letter : Welcome April, welcome spring

Editor’s letter

“It is the perfect time to write you a spring letter. We are officially in spring, which is why I am excited to share with you a special feature on the best natural cosmetics brands in the region. We will delve into the details of each product, its composition, purpose, and the philosophy behind the brand. I have personally tried most of the products in a short amount of time, so I can provide a more personal review of each one. I am proud to present 11 top brands that offer quality products at affordable prices.












When choosing a skincare product, it is important to determine if it suits our skin and daily needs, successfully solves our problems, and makes us feel comfortable. Our skin is our largest organ and should be cared for properly. I am pleased to inform you that none of the products in the feature contain SPF, as I believe it should be a personal decision rather than part of everyday skincare. I avoid products that contain too much chemistry as I feel they do more harm than good. Using natural ingredients reduces the amount of toxins that enter our bloodstream through our skin.

I would like to reiterate how delighted I am that there are brands that are part of this special. The founders of these brands put in a great deal of effort and love into their products, which is reflected in their excellent quality. I have already found my favorites from these brands, but it’s essential to find what works for you in the long run. Some products are part of the “extras,” which are not used every day but are still crucial to include in your occasional routine. ( Shea butter,scrubs, face masks)

My skin is extremely dry, and I require both moisture and oil. For me, the ideal daily combination is hydrating vitamin C or hyaluronic with a more oily cream. At night, I prefer to massage my face with Shea butter and leave it overnight, although this routine is only done three to four times a week, on other days, I apply oil serum or cream. I tend to forget to put on eye cream regularly, but I would like to mention a specific eye cream (REBORN) that has extraordinary powerful ingredients  for removing dark pigment and puffiness. It’s definitely worth trying.

I understand that we are all busy, but I encourage you to create a small skincare spa in your home and make time for yourself at least once a day. You can do a face mask, a short massage, apply serum for extra care, or try facial exercises, which are becoming very popular on social media.

Starting tomorrow, make a change and see the benefits of taking care of yourself.

In addition to the skincare topic, we have great articles featuring Ivan Radojcic, a fashion journalist, and Marina Ognjenovic, the owner of the brand “Like a Therapy”. Marina’s products, such as home fragrances, hand and body wash, and hand and body cream, are made with top quality raw materials and exceptional care. Stay tuned!

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