During our last visit to a Montenegro riviera, we met Ilona Radovic, one of the best and the most creative pastry Chefs from there.
That morning we had a nice cup of coffee at HUMA Kotor bay, with a quite picturesque panoramic view.
Ilona brought us fresh eclairs and fruit tarts from her pastry atelier, and we enjoyed full taste while chatting about her life and career in Montenegro.
In the following lines, you can find out the most interesting about her

When you came up with the idea, that you would like to be a pastry chef?

My parents and my grandmother were really good at cooking and making big gatherings at home. I remember my granny baking all night to prepare something special for the guests and me. So there was no way I wouldn’t grow up with the love of creating something and making sweets. Just it took me some time to realize that it is my path.


What inspires you the most when it’s to making pastry?

Everything, from nature to seasons. I like a lot to use spices in my desserts, combine flavors, making not “classic” combinations. I really enjoy presenting something not that usual to people and seeing their reactions. 

Why did you choose Montenegro for a living?

– Well, that was long ago, when I met my ex-husband in Dubai and we decided to come to live here, as originally he was from Montenegro.
I’ve always wanted to live next to the sea, so even after my personal story finished here, I have decided to continue my journey here and share with people what I really love to do, my passion, my love, my inspiration for my work.


How long does it take to develop a new dessert from the idea to the finished product?

From several days to several months, maybe a year. Usually comes an idea of a taste or a combination of flavors, and then I’m thinking about how to perform it and to make a perfect balance and texture. Sometimes I know exactly the shape, but the flavor takes time. And, lots of times I’m rethinking my desserts, making them better after. It’s the way of progressing for me.


What is the secret to being a successful pastry chef?

It’s simple, work! And always believe in your dreams. Always.


What is Next for you? future plans?

I would say, a pastry boutique by my name. With a very fine concept. But let’s keep it a secret for now.

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