CHRISTINE OXENBERG, Serbian roots in her blood

She is a controversial member of a royal family, an author, and Serbian enough to fall in love with this country… A pure heart, and a woman you can’t help but be in love with. She is the one who melts the hearts in the room.

Christine Oxenberg

1. Who is Christine OXENBERG?

My name is Christina Oxenberg or Kristina Karađorđevic. I am a Serbian-American author and I was born in New York City. My mother is Jelisaveta, and my grandfather was Knez Pavle from the Cadet line of the Karađorđevic dynasty and whom I had the tremendous luxury to personally know. Pavle and my grandmother Olga were important figures in my childhood.

2. How do you fit in a royal family as an artist?

I have never tried to fit into the ‘royal family. I have lived an independent life full of adventure and challenges, off the beaten path. I am not quiet. I have written books recounting my adventures. I am on social media chatting with a wide audience who read my writing where we have formed a community and we convene every Sunday morning. I have published ten books, my favorite is DYNASTY published by Laguna which is the history of my Serbian family. It is my favorite book because doing the research for it was how I learned the history of the incredible Kara Đorđe.

3. Who is your favourite member of the Royal “Karađorđevic”

My favourite member of the Karađorđevic Royal Family is Kara Đorđe.


4. You always tried to promote Serbia and moral values from here. Do you feel Serbian?

With the end of Communism and that my family was now legally permitted to enter the country, I was introduced to Serbia late in life.

I am grateful to Serbia for welcoming me with open arms. I feel at home here. I have met wonderful people. I am happy here. The language is coming to me, it seemed impossible at first but hat’s off to clever Vuk Karadzic as the learning is almost fun. Life in Serbia is invigorating as everything is like a shiny puzzle. Learning is wonderful and should be part of all stages of life.

5. You spend a lot of time in Belgrade and even help some talented musicians to make contacts with American music producers. Do you work as a Scout?

No, I am an author. But when I can, I also work with anyone talented to help promote them. I am focussed on promoting Serbs, but I also promote all my friends no matter their origin. The criteria are they have to be talented. I have found a trove of talent in Serbia, and it is my pleasure to promote however I can. I have sold crocheted and knitted items. And now I am also working with musicians. Anyone talented should hit me up, and I will help if I can.

I love Serbia!

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