Sounds delicious and looks delicious too. The first-ever made burrata in Serbia.

A Mediterranean specialty created and produced on a farm Bela Reka by great food specialists who decided to bring something new and unique to Serbian cuisine. Also, to change the lifestyle of our food culture in a superior direction.


Serbian burrata is a healthy and exclusive product made of a mixture of buffalo and cow milk without any artificial components and additives.
It’s a tasty and a very delicious sort of cheese, a kind of mozzarella, and a softy cream in a very classy package shape.
A head chef Sasa Marinkovic, one of the creators of burrata, gave us fantastic serving suggestions even at reastaurant or at home.
The intro-ducing team enjoyed tasting Serbian burrata with aceto balsamico, olive oil, fresh tomato and Mediterranean herbs.

Burrata is already very famous and on the menu at the most esteemed places in town. For ones who want to try burrata at home, there is a part of the restaurant Bela Reka when Burrata lovers can buy single pieces. OH la la !


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